“I ‘posed to eat’ says almost 2 years old- Kaylin


I was scrolling through posts on FB and I came across one of my old co worker’s post and she shares this about her daughter:


I was extremely impressed with the fact that this child and like all children know how to express their need to eat! Kaylin is almost 2 years old and she says “I posed to eat”. Her little tummy was letting her know she “posed to eat”. I thought it was funny when I first read the post but then reality crept in real quick. Lord am I aware when I need to eat? Sure I’m grown so when I’m hungry. I know what those hunger pains feel like but what happens when I’m spiritually hungry, I am aware?

I had a Pastor one time that had an entire series called “Eat that book”. Well let me back up.

1. Do we know that we can get spiritually hungry?

2. Do we know the signs for when we are spiritually hungry?

3. Do we know where to get our spiritual food?

4. Do we know how to eat spiritual food?

Question #1 yes we can get spiritually hungry and thirsty. In fact if we are not careful we will feed ourselves something of this World that will NEVER be able to satisfy our souls!

In John 6:51 Jesus said, “I am the living Bread.”

In Rev 7:16They will never again be hungry or thirsty;”

Question #2 Just Like we have signs in our physical body that tells us it’s time to eat and drink, we have signs that tell us it’s time to eat and drink Jesus. We may become easily frustrated/angered, unmotivated, not wanting to Love people or ourselves. Have you ever just been so filled with the Holy Spirit You just want to LOVE everyone. This is God’s heart that we will be filled to overflow and flowing Him out on this dying World.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.Romans 15:13

Question #3 The answer is simple. Jesus is our supplier. 

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” John 6:51

Jesus says “but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.John 4:14

That means when we touch the Lord through His Word, His presence, singing, praising, talking about Him etc we will feel spiritually fed and our thirst will be quenched.

Question #4 When we touch the Lord through reading the Bible, making music to Him, dancing for Him, Living for Him, serving His people, Living Christ out, Worshipping Him, the supply is in us touching Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through us, and receiving the things of God.



We “posed to eat” that living bread that nourishes us! Have you eaten lately?! Thank you so much for reading my blog post I hope it encourage you to get your eat on. Taste and see that the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8 Our God is tasty!

If you have never made the decision to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and want to, feel free to ask your local pastor or believer. Or you can PM me on social media. Or you can pray right now. Lord Jesus I believe you love me with an everlasting love. I believe you came into the World to die for my sins and forgive my sins. Please come live in me and  dine with me. I choose you to be my Lord and Savior! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

The Bible says, “anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” Romans 10:13. Please share with a believer if this is your first time to pray that prayer! And please feel free to let me know by leaving a comment!


Feel free to follow me on

FB: Sherry Thorpe

IG: SherryThorpe7
Twitter: SherryThorpe7

Website: http://www.WhereInTheWorldIsSherry.com


I would love to hear anything you would like to share about Jesus so please feel free to drop a comment! Thanks😉


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