Morning Devo- God loves us simply because He loves us. By Sherry Thorpe

IMG_2960I think this might be my fave blog yet and I haven’t even completed a sentence yet lol. Any blog, message, song, or speaking that refers to God’s love for the World just causes my heart to melt and to go deeper In Love with my Lord!

His Love is what every human seeks regardless if they know it or not. His love simply put is so amazing. His love is actually different than human’s love because the substance of “God is LOVE!” 1 John 4:8. The very thing that God is – is Love. This means if you were to cut God open LOVE would pour out! Isn’t that marvelous?!

Did you know that when Jesus walked the Earth He wasn’t this attractive person? Isaiah 53:2. He was a plain John type of man and something about Him still attracted people to Him. His Love is attractive! Drawing near to Him is so easy because everything within me desires Love. Deep within my being desires a perfect Love. God is perfect Love. True Love is God. The best Love is God. And guess what?! He never runs out of Love!!! Despite Him loving all of humanity I never feel short of His Love. I actually sometimes feel like Jesus loves only me lol I know this isn’t true but it is what I feel. That’s just how good and personal God’s love is.   That’s powerful.

Okay you get it now that God is Love BUT there’s more… He loves us so much he died for us. Maybe you’ve heard this so many times but have you meditated on this scripture lately, “For God so loved the World that he gave His only begotten son that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life.” John 3:16

The Lord gave His son for us. Would you give up your son for all of humanity? Umm I would NOT and I don’t even have kids. I would not give up my son for a people who were my enemies and for some who will remain enemies because they won’t believe in me. Did you forget that before you accepted this Love to be yours you were an enemy of God? The Bible says, “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.” Collosians 1:21 Jesus died for His enemies, you and me. If this isn’t love then what is it? Right now there are people in this World who doesn’t know God’s love personally. The best Love in the World that they have total access to, they don’t know anything about it. They don’t know perfect Love! This is why I write. This is why I speak. This is why I post. Because I want ALL people to know this Love! The manufactured human love doesn’t come close to God’s Love. Don’t you feel compelled to tell a dying, pleasure seeking, money chasing World that God loves them with a Perfect Love?!

His Love makes everything better. His love heals us. His love causes us to love. We love because He loved us first. 1 John 4:19. We can operate in this Love, live in this Love. This Love empowers us.

I remember before I got saved all of the terrible things I did because in reality I lacked His love. I remember being so desperate for love. And it wasn’t that my parents and family didn’t love me, it’s that for some reason it wasn’t enough. I needed a deeper love. A love that totally satisfied me and I found that in God!

Wait!!! It gets better! Nothing can separate YOU or ME from this perfect Love. Whaaaaaaaat? Nothing? YUP nothing. The Bible says, “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Roman 8:38 #ForeverInLove literally get it? Because God is love and I’m in Christ which makes me In Love❤️

In all of this Love, the Captain of Love wants to be loved back…. By YOU. My goodness. Lord Jesus I LOVE YOU! Thank you Lord for simply loving us.

Check out Graham Cooke’s message in God’s love❤️Click here

Have you experienced this Love for yourself?

If you have never made the decision to accept this Love, this person Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and want to, feel free to ask your local pastor or believer. Or you can PM me on social media.

Who is Sherry Thorpe?

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I would love to hear anything you would like to share about Jesus. Drop a comment! Thanks😉


  1. Haha I LOVE your enthusiasm about this subject, which is understandable because it’s honestly the greatest subject to talk about!! Thank you so much for sharing this! The best way to share God’s love with others is by showing them how excited we are about it and how much it means to us. It’s not just a theology or a belief system, it’s life giving water of Love from God! I just wrote a post on God’s unconditional love for us on my blog, you should check it out, I honestly think you’d enjoy it because you’re clearly consumed by God’s Love!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! Thank you so much for commenting. I read your blog and I enjoyed it so much. I am so working on that unconditional love towards others. I lack so much when it comes to loving my enemies and of course the Lord is helping me and gracing me when I fall short but I thoroughly loved your explanation of the marriage vows. I never looked at it that when it comes to loving everyone. Thank you so much for reading my post 😀


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